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Senin, 24 Oktober 2011

First Human MPreg

Hello, minna-san...
Ehm, udah lama gak nulis blog nih. nyehehe...blogger-emoticon.blogspot.com

Kali ini ling2 bakal bahas soal MPreg. Taukah kalian??
Bagi seorang fujo akut yang senang akan yaoi rate M, pasti sudah sangat familiar. Atau ada yang tidak tahu?!

Baiklah. Ling2 kasih tau.
MPreg adalah singkatan dari Male Pregnant atau laki-laki hamil.
Memang sih, sangat tidak rasional sekali ada laki-laki yang hamil. Dalam dunia fanfic mungkin itu hanya angan2 para fujo yang ingin melihat kelanjutan dari cerita yaoi itu sendiri.

Dulu ada seorang laki-laki dari India yang di diagnosa dokter tengah mengandung seduah janin. Namun,setelah diteliti lebih jauh, ternyata janin yang ada di tubuhnya adalah saudara kembarnya yang terjebak di dalam tubuhnya. Jadi itu dianggap bukan sebagai MPreg.

Nah, sekarang, dengan berkembangnya tekhnologi, laki-laki pun bisa hamil. Sesuai dengan keinginan para fujo yang suka rated M. huahahaha...


Mmm... boleh tidak ya ling2 menyebarkannya...?ling2 belum dapat persetujuan untuk mempublishkan post ini jadi, ling2 hanya akan bercerita sedikit, dan silahkan nanti untuk mengunjungi websitenya sendiri ya... ^^

Baiklah, kita lanjut.
Rumah sakit RYT mengadakan trobosan terbaru dengan kehamilan laki-laki pertama dengan menggunakan Nanoteknologi. Mr Lee Mingwe adalah laki-laki pertama yang menjadi objek percobaan. Karena masih dalam tahap percobaan, Rumah sakit ini tidak menerima pasien laki-laki yang ingin mempunyai anak dengan cara hamil. Berikut adalah keterangan Mr Lee saat di wawancarai oleh Janice Versalius dari Majalah PaperVeins:

Mr. Lee, as we just discussed, male pregnancy may prove to be an extremely dangerous medical procedure at this point – particularly when your doctors perform your Cesarian operation. Why have you chosen to do this?

Mr. Lee
A lot of people have cast this endeavor as something terribly monstrous – a startling example of how science and medicine have simply gone too far. From my perspective, however, I am simply bringing a child into this world. There is nothing more natural and beautiful on this earth than that. This is something that I've always wanted to do.

But surely you understand why some people find the idea of a pregnant man disturbing?

Mr. Lee
Well, I understand how it may be a shocking concept at first. Biologically, women have always given birth to children, and men have not. Despite the dramatic results of the sexual revolution in the latter half of this century, there are still very distinct and concrete social roles determined by this... until now... undeniable biological fact. Now, it seems, we have several important questions to consider. Why shouldn't men carry children and care for a fetus the same way a women does? Why shouldn't a man bear a burden that women have always carried? On the other hand, why shouldn't a man be able to experience the same joy and excitement that a pregnant woman feels nurturing a child within her own body? Now I think men, as well as women, have more choices, more possibilities, more roles they can assume in their lives.

I can tell you that my father for one would have donated all his internal organs before even entertaining the idea of getting pregnant.

Mr. Lee
Yes, it's interesting that many men feel very threatened by this idea. Men getting pregnant used to be a big joke – a point of ridicule. Someone was telling me about this popular American film where Arnold Schwarzenegger's character became pregnant. The humor was based on the sheer absurdity of such a distinct feminine condition being imposed on someone who represented the ultimate paradigm of Western masculinity. It seems like something rooted in a preoccupation with very traditional gender role assumptions. There was also an episode of The Cosby Show, apparently, where the male characters dreamed they were all pregnant. Now that pregnant men are a reality, no one is laughing anymore!

I was thinking about how a lot of sitcoms, particularly in the 70's and 80's, were always filled with men dressing up women to get laughs. But when men in real life actually wanted to dress up as women, they were usually harassed or beaten up.

Mr. Lee
That's a good analogy. Drag was once considered something provocative, bizarre, and unnatural. Now we even have the mayor of New York dressing up as a woman on live television. Did you hear about that?

I remember seeing it last year on Saturday Night Live. I thought I was hallucinating.

Mr. Lee
But, he still did it for laughs. I think many drag queens who were drawn to the subversion of drag – the shock value of it – are somewhat disappointed at how mainstream it has become. And at the same time, I see many transvestites who are still marginalized by both gay and straight people. If you're a man who actually wants to become a woman, without the intent of performing or putting on a show, then you're still considered weird.

How would you respond to people who would consider you a pregnant transvestite and not a pregnant man?

Mr. Lee
Well, it's not really accurate. I'm still male afterall – biologically and anatomically. It's interesting that some people believe the definition of being a man is so precarious! And unlike the men who feel this strong desire to physically become women, I've never wished for that ... and I haven't done that. I have, however, always wanted to have a much stronger empathy with women. I love my mother and sister very much, and I'm very happy to share in something they have both experienced. Being pregnant is a wonderful feeling. It's something that all human beings – both men and women – should experience before they die. This process has been a spiritual rebirth for me.

I was just reading about one of your art projects – A Hundred Days With Lily. You have also described it as spiritually renewing experience.

Mr. Lee
Yes. I carried a handful of white lilies for three months with me wherever I went. It was in honor of my grandmother who had passed away, to pay respect to her in some small way.

I read that this was something rooted in Ch'an Buddhism. Is that correct?

Mr. Lee
The idea is rooted in Ch'an Buddhism. I had spent many years growing up in a Buddhist monastery in Taiwan. We learned to appreciate the simple, transient, and everyday moments in life.

Well, I must say, a pregnant man isn't something you see everyday.

Mr. Lee
Actually, I see this pregnancy as being very much in keeping with Buddhist philosophical thought. There is a strong connection I feel between myself, the child within my body, and the world around us both. And I think there is a greater awareness and empathy I now share with my mother and sister as a result of my pregnancy. Most of all, there is a level of insight and understanding about being alive – of sharing your life – in ways that I've never realized before.

I've talked with other pregnant people who have also described this sensation. I felt it strongly myself when I had my own daughter a few years ago... One last question, Mr. Lee. Do you have a name for your baby yet?

Mr. Lee
I think I'll only know the name when the child is born. I guess we'll have to wait and see!

Gomen buat RYT Hospital karena ling2 dengan seenaknya mengambil materi dari website anda.

Untuk lebih jelasnya silahkan kunjungi Website RYT Hospital

Dengan demikian, author-author fujo yang suka nulis rate M bisa dapat ide buat Mpreg kan??fufufu... Sudah ada dasar teorinya, tinggal menulis analisa(?). Nani?? memangnya buat laporan apa?

Nah, sekarang sudah dapat pencerahan tentang Mpreg kan... Ternyata tidak ada yang tidak mungkin. Dengan referensi ini, semoga bisa jadi referensi yang mendukung fict MPreg.fufufu...
Yah, walaupun ling2 tidak dapat menjelaskannya secara detail di blog ini,,,

keep writing Author Fanfic Indonesia!!!
Ganbatte Kudasai!! \^O^/

6 komentar:

  1. moshi2 ling-ling san..

    menarik. itu link aslinya bahasa apa?? hehehe berhubung modem rada lemot jadi belum bisa yang rada aneh2 dulu

    oya salam kenal ya...

    Mw tuker2an blog???

    1. salam kenal...(^o^)/
      kalo gak salah dalam bahasa inggris.itu cuplikan wawancaranya aseli copas. #plak (。_°☆\(- - )

      blognya apa??tentu saja boleh. ^^

  2. ling ling, tau gak? Aku sampai ngakak baca artikel-nya, nggak bisa kebayang kalo cowok bener2 hamil gimana cara melahirkannya? wkwkwk... oh,ya, ngomong2 arti dari percakapannya itu apa?

    1. Y di oprasi lh,itu pun klu beneran cowok hamil

  3. Aisatsu ling ling san😊
    Cuma mau curhat dikit aja sih haha, aku suka mpreg tapi kalo yaoi nya enggak, padahal dulu sempat jadi fujoshi juga tapi lama2 jadi ngerasa "geli" sendri😂. Merasa aneh jadinya wkwk

  4. Hay jadi kesimpulannya ini bukan alami ya. Tpi masih ada campur tangan dokter donk. Awalnya aku pikir inj alami hehehe
